
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime
Lyrics: Yip Harburg
Music: Jay Gorney

     This song talks about how people during the 1930’s had to build their own dreams and for this, they needed money to be able to fulfill them. During the Great Depression, people had almost no money, so a dime in that time, meant a lot. 

Listen to it here

Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries
Lyrics: Lew Brown 
Music: Ray Henderson

     This song helps people analyze their lives and what they are doing with them. It tells them that life is not to be taken seriously, but to enjoy your time in this world. It also says that sweet thing in life come and never go, because they are not yours and you can’t lose what you’ve never owned. 

Listen to it here

We’re in the Money
Lyrics: Al Dubin
Music: Harry Warren

This song talks about money. It describes it as something elemental to get along with other people, the more money you have, the better you get along with others. They describe the lives of the people who have money as easy, full of confidence, and cheerful. They also say that the Great Depression is for old men and that it hasn’t struck rich people. 
Dark Was the Night, Cold was the Ground
Music: Blind Willie Johnson

This song has no lyrics, but by listening to the soft guitar and the humming of the singing, we can imagine how difficult the times were during the Great Depression. 

Listen to it here

Are You Makin’ Any Money
Music: Chick Bullock

Bullock’s song talks about how people can make anything, how they can love, be sweet, make mistakes, be right, make breakfast or anything at all but all people care about is to know if they make any money, because it’s one of the most important things. 

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